Sunday, April 4, 2010

Goodbye Dubai

Dubai has always been a destination I believed I would one day visit. I am an Arsenal fan and club member and regularly receive offers from Fly Emirates. A trip to Australia could also have included a stop-over in Dubai in the future, but not any more.

I have once again read a report of tourists and foreigners being sentenced for having broken Dubai's strict so called decency laws. This, and rumours you can also be charged with drug smuggling if they find any trace of aspirin, paracetamol or any number of common medicines on you or you clothing, makes such a trip or a stop-over now a non-starter for me.

Indeed I am beginning to wonder if a future planned trip to Australia should be pursued with Fly Emirates or it would be better to consider another airline. I mean you spend about 24 hours travelling to Oz and concerns that I may say, do or eat the wrong thing on the flight or in transit could ruin the journey.

I am in no way racist, I myself am a foreigner in my chosen homeland, but cannot understand how these countries with massive tourist income can be so backward as far as human rights and freedom of expression are concerned.

For what it is worth they will not be getting any income from me in the future, but then again do they really care?

As I always say who cares? wem juckt es?

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